The workshop “5-Axys Technology Days 5”, organized by Routech from October 16 to 18 at its headquarters in Sinalunga (Siena) is just concluded: three days of discussions and live demonstrations to learn about the performances of Routech work centers and pantographs.
DUNA-Corradini sponsored the event by providing the material CORAFOAM® MD 250 and 3D files for the "live" demonstrations during the three days of work, for the realization of car and ship models.
Characterized by a particular structure, CORAFOAM® MD 250 is one of the materials of DUNA technology that is best suited for router machining, allowing high precision of details and edges and the production of chip instead of powder during processing.
Thanks to its excellent mechanical properties and chemical and biological inertia, products of CORAFOAM® High Density range are resistant to solvents and weathering and are therefore excellent replacements of wood in various fields of application.