We define "work accident" a traumatic, violent event occurred at the workplace or simply at work, from which derives an injury or a body disease causing an absence from work for more than three days.
The responsibility of the employer originates from the principles recognized in our Constitution, see: art. 32 (health protection in the workplace), art. 35 (protection of labor), art.38 (worker protection in the event of injury, illness), art. 41 (private economic initiative can not be conducted in such a way as to cause damage to the security of freedom, human dignity), and it is reaffirmed by the rules of the Italian State.
The goal of DUNA-Corradini has always been to achieve "zero accidents" and fully protect the safety of its cooperators. In order to achieve this, the company has launched in 2011 a strategy of strong commitment on all fronts related to the culture of prevention and security, actually leading to excellent results thanks to the involvement of Board of Management, Company Union Representatives, Representatives of workers safety and everybody in DUNA-Corradini.
Starting in 2011, DUNA-Corradini intensified the monitoring of real or potential incidents (with or without human involvement) and of indicators created for this purpose; this allowed to "attack" the sources of risk in an effective, efficient and systematic way. Board has also launched a three-year investment plan for the improvement of plant and equipments, which have been progressively endowed with the most modern solutions for safety and health with a focus on prevention, for example reducing work environment noise and improving the efficiency of air suction systems.
In parallel, DUNA-Corradini began to implement all the measures that led in 2014 to be certified BS OHSAS 18001, the standard that certifies the voluntary application of a system to ensure adequate control regarding workers Safety and Health (in addition to compliance with the mandatory standards).
To be BS OHSAS 18001 certified, means constantly improving what is required by the regulations on safety and environment in the workplace, such as:
to be equipped exclusively with facilities functional to the protection of users (CE marked or complying with Annex 5 of Legislative Decree no. 81/08)
having carried out a risk assessment on the activities of the company as well as on each task
to devote time and resources to a constant training
to implement maintenance and increase controls on equipment.
to manage the documentation (MSDS, job boards, etc.) and make available to workers all PPE required for the performance of their duties.
Involvement and participation of everybody and the efforts of the Executive Board, led in 2013 and 2014 to a progressive collapse of the indicator of accidents at the plant in Soliera (severity index, obtained by dividing the number of hours of occurred injuries by the number of overall work hours): we moved from 0.31 in 2012 to 0.05 in 2013 to reach 0.01 in 2014, bringing the supply of the company bonus based on this indicator at the highest in recent years.
DUNA-Corradini firmly believes that everyone's commitment to strengthen the culture of safety and prevention is the most powerful antidote against accidents at work, and the four fronts of commitment remain the same also for 2015: training, shared and enforced rules, monitoring, culture of safety with the goal of absolute zero.
Thanks to all women and men of DUNA-Corradini who make it possible through their constant daily commitment!