DUNA-Emirates: our commitment to the environment

DUNA-Emirates recently completed its Total Environment Care program by phasing-out HCFCs blowing agents from polyurethane and polyisocyanurate foams production process.
Since January 2018, all CORAFOAM® rigid foams manufactured at DUNA-Emirates provide a zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP=0), being in full compliance with Montreal Protocol, the international agreement, promoted by United Nations, aimed to preserve the ozone layer and thus human life on Earth.
“We started our environmental project in 2016 by our own initiative” explains Eng. Soufiane Rharib, General Manager of DUNA-Emirates “and today we managed to completely replace HCFC with environmental-friendly blowing agents, preserving the same high quality-standards our CORAFOAM® is known for”.
DUNA-Emirates initiative is not limited to achieve a 0-ODP level; HCFCs were replaced using blowing agents carrying at the same time a very low Global Warming Potential. “The reduction of greenhouse-gases emissions is a world-wide challenge” continues Eng. Soufiane Rharib ”In 2015, for the first time after Industrial Age started and thanks to the efforts of those countries who joined Kyoto Protocol, the emissions of greenhouse-gases decreased! Soon we realized that we wanted to be a part of that historical change”.
The choice of evolving to ZERO ODP + low-GWP technology places DUNA-Emirates in front of a new perspective: “We strongly believe that business cannot be successful if it is not also environmentally sustainable; today our Customers, who constantly deal with international projects, can take full advantage from compliance of CORAFOAM® materials with the most stringent regulations worldwide” concludes Eng. Rharib.
DUNA-Emirates will present this innovation at the Awards Contest of ADIPEC 2018 (Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & conference) in the category “Social contribution and In-country value project of the year”. The Social Contribution and In-Country Value Project of the Year will recognize the efforts made by the oil and gas industry for the betterment of the wider community and environment.
For more information:
- About CORAFOAM®: www.dunagroup.com
- About Kyoto Protocol: unfccc.int
- About Montreal Protocol: www.undp.org