DUNA-Emirates at ADIPEC
DUNA-Corradini and DUNA-Emirates will take part in ADIPEC, petrol and gas biennal fair, that will be from 7 to 10 of November in Abu Dhabi.
ADIPEC is one of the most important event in this area. The fair gathers all petrol and gas operators; the latest equipment will be exposed for production, refinement and gas and petrol transport.
DUNA-Emirates will take part at the event promoting new HIGH DENSITY line supporting the already existing low density foams. In particular CORAFOAM® P ( from 60 to 120 kg/m3) will be introduced.
Furthermore, as already done by DUNA-Corradini and DUNA-USA, DUNA-Emirates introduced the new CFC and HCFC free foams.
In advance on Middle East directives of Montreal Protocol, DUNA-Emirates developed foams without blowing agents harming the ozone layer.
Come and visit our stand CN 112 in the 13th Hall.