Saturday, November 30th, the conference entitled “A look at the economic future of the city of Carpi“ took place. The event, organized by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Carpi, invited economists and university professors as Carlo Cottarelli and Franco Mosconi, the highest representatives of the local university UniMoRe and its Engineering Department Carlo Adolfo Porro e Francesco Leali, as well as some local enterprenurs to share data and their opinions on the opportunities and thereats for the local ecomony.
For DUNA-Group, our President and CEO Marta Brozzi was invited to share her point of view on the strenghts and weakenees of the territory, Italy and Europe together with exceptional local enterpreneurs as Marco Marchi, founder and CEO of Liu Jo Group and the President of Confindustria Emilia Area Centro, Valter Caiumi. Heartfelt thanks to Fondazione and its President Mario Arturo Ascari for having organized such an interesting event and for giving the opportunity to people who work and invest in the local economy to share their thoughts. Thanks also to the very nice moderator Pierluigi Senatore. Forza DUNA, Forza Emilia!
For more infos (Italian only):