Ethics & Sustainability


The DUNA Group has always been committed to operating in the full respect of ethical values, people and the environment. Responsibility and reputation are key elements for a cutting-edge company, which must know how to gain and maintain the trust and collaboration of all Stakeholders to continue to grow and innovate.

Success and product excellence are not sufficient alone to define a company's position in the market. It is ethics and the quality of relationships that demonstrate the true worth and value of a Company. For this reason, the DUNA Group implements an ethical business model based on real, everyday actions. We are committed to investing every day in new technologies to optimise production processes, develop new products with a low environmental impact, and ensure the well-being and health of employees and everyone who come into contact with our products.

The Code of Ethics of the DUNA Group

The DUNA Group has written a Code of Ethics to define and transmit all the guiding values and principles of the company processes and inspire everyone’s decisions and behaviours. The Code of Conduct is shared and issued by the Shareholders and the Board of Directors on an entirely voluntary basis. It applies to all DUNA employees regardless of their location and hierarchical level.

The Code of Ethics governs all internal and external relations between the members of the organisation and between the DUNA Team and the various external stakeholders, suppliers, customers and local communities. We chose to assert our responsibility to ensure that all DUNA employees and processes convey and demonstrate our corporate values in practice.

Download the new Code of Ethics (rev.01)

To ensure the fairness and transparency of relations with all our Stakeholders and in compliance with Legislative Decree no. 24/2023 (transposition of EU Directive 2019/1937) on whistleblowing, the DUNA Group has implemented internal channels to allow employees and third parties to report national or European Union regulations’ violations and irregularities to the public interest detriment, operated by the DUNA Group or its Collaborators. All report can be shared through the dedicated platform here, that ensure the full anonymity and protection of the reporting person. 

ISO 45001 Certification

The DUNA Group pays the utmost attention to protecting Human Capital, the company’s most valuable resource. In  its Headquarter in Soliera, the DUNA Group has set up a Worker Health and Safety Management System to ensure the workplace safety and the well-being of our people. The organisational model is ISO 45001 certified and aims at preventing accidents and injuries while protecting everyone’s health.

Download the ISO 45001 Certification


The DUNA Group has been committed to excellence and sustainability in business processes for many years and thus has obtained many international certifications. The ISO 9001 certification, obtained by DUNA in 1998, has been renewed ever since testifying to the effectiveness of our Quality Control System.  The challenging project to have all abroad subsidiaries certified, led to  the ISO9001 Certification of DUNA-USA in 2019 and DUNA-Emirates in 2020, since then  annuarly renewed. In 2024, for the first time, DUNA-Emirates has obtained an indipendent ISO 9001 Certificate

Download ISO 9001 certificate

ISO 14001 certification is entirely voluntary and proves the quality of our Environmental Management System created to continuously monitor and optimise the environmental impact of all company activities

Download the ISO 14001 certificate

According to the Deming “Plan Do Check Act” model, ISO 14001 requires companies to identify the activities and processes that may impact the environment, set clear and measurable objectives to reduce their environmental effects and implement all investments and actions necessary to achieve the set levels.

Download the Quality, Safety, Health and Environment policy (rev.04)


Always faithful to the values of Ethics and Sustainability and spurred on by the certifications earned over the years, the DUNA Group invests every day to minimise the environmental impact of its business processes, develop new increasingly sustainable solutions and guide customers towards more responsible choices. 

The Group launched the ambitious “ZERO WASTE” project in 2015, a research and investment plan aimed at making production processes fully sustainable and upcycling processing scraps into new high-performance material. Thanks to the new industrial upcycling plant opened in July 2021 DUNA is now able to offer the new CORALIGHT®600, high-density PUR boards made from recovered production by-products.

Environmental responsibility is also a core value for DUNAPACK®, the company division specialised in the production and supply of on-demand foam, air and paper packaging.  For each of its three product lines – Foam in Place protection systems, Air In Place cushions and Paper in Place packaging – DUNAPACK® has developed multiple solutions combining maximum strength, reliability and sustainability. The Air In Place range now features the TEO film, made of fully compostable and biodegradable PLA, TÜV Industrial UNI EN 13432 certified, and the new RIO regenerated cushions, made of 70% recycled plastic. The Ranpak Paper in Place filling and protective solutions also feature options in post-consumer and post-industrial recycled paper, all FSC® certified, to reduce the consumption of virgin raw material and slow down the deforestation process. The new MiniStorage system, introduced for the polyurethane Foam in Place range, has now replace the traditional drums with IBC tanks with larger storage capacity.

With the recent launch of an IBC drum and tank washing plant, the DUNA Group then aims to recover the industrial packaging used by DUNA and its customers, to minimise plastic and metal consumption, transport emissions and the risk of environmental spills.

However, achieving full sustainability of products and business processes is not enough. To call itself truly sustainable, a Company must also commit to guide customers towards more conscious purchasing choices and provide clear guidance on the correct way to dispose of products and packaging. Not a chance that the DUNA Group was one of the first companies in the chemical sector to convincingly comply with the new international regulations on environmental labelling (EU Directives 2018/851 and 2018/852 on waste management and packaging transposed in Italy by Legislative Decree 116/2020) and the DUNAPACK® Division has even anticipated the entry into force of the regulations by updating the film printing of all Air In Place and Foam In Place packaging.

As of the end of 2022, all manufacturers, local distributors and other parties are obliged to label their packaging (primary, secondary and tertiary) to indicate to the consumer the packaging type and composition and the correct way to sort and dispose of them. Please refer to the environmental labelling section of DUNA and DUNAPACK® websites to check the composition and instructions for the proper sorting of the packaging used for our product ranges.

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