DUNA-Corradini leaves the Seveso!


For about twenty years DUNA-Corradini has been subjected to the regime imposed by the Seveso law (DL 334 of 17/08/1999), the European directive on the prevention of large industrial risks that requires member states to identify the establishments that use or hold dangerously classified substances.

Activities such as plant design and training of personnel as well as operational control are all fundamental elements of the Safety Management System developed by DUNA-Corradini to fulfill the duties established by this law.

This eventually translated into reality, allowing DUNA-Corradini to exit the scope of the directive thanks to a considerable reduction in the quantity of dangerous substances in the company, and in some cases, to their complete elimination.

In January 2019, the company received the green light from ISPRA (Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research) in which it is recognized that it is no longer subject to the Seveso law; and the consequential elimination from the national register of the establishments at Risk of Relevant accident.

"DUNA has always believed and supports a way of doing ethical and sustainable business," says CEO Marta Brozzi "in recent years we have been extremely focused on finding solutions that eliminate or reduce risks and increase sustainability" she further explains "this result is the direct consequence of the excellent work of our team that I thank here ".

What remains of this experience?

"A great capital of knowledge, competence and culture of safety that permeates all the company areas", Andrea Corradini, Environment and Safety delegate, is also satisfied. This wealth of expertise finds its organizational expression in the Health and Safety Management system according to the OHSAS 18001 standard which we will follow in the coming months as part of the ISO 14001 environmental certification ".

The attention to the territory, the context and the Stakeholders for DUNA-Corradini an act of responsibility towards its collaborators and towards future generations, and at the same time an important competitive bet. It is a bet that can only be won with investments and projects on several fronts: energy efficiency, careful waste management, and continuous innovation in products and production processes.

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